Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Defending Rape Charges

Being arrested for rape is a very serious matter. If you or someone you know is convicted of rape, you face a lifetime of consequences such as a lengthy state prison sentence, loss of your job, compulsory HIV/AIDS testing, court ordered rehabilitation, large fines and lifelong sex offender registration. The outcome of your case may depend on whether you have an experienced and aggressive criminal defense attorney to defend you.  Your  rights include the right to a jury trial, the right to cross-examine witnesses, the right against self-incrimination and the right to produce evidence. Mr. Crawford possesses deep knowledge and extensive experience in defending these types of cases and can aggressively defend your rights.
Sex offenses include all types of sexual activities ranging from the serious crime of rape, usually defined as sexual penetration without consent, to the crime of prostitution.  If you are accused of any sex crimes, it is important that you seek the services of Mr. Crawford who is experienced in these types of cases.
Types of rape include:
•Statutory rape: A sexual act with a minor under the legal age of 18. In this type of case, statutory rape charges are usually brought up by the parents of the victim but in California the state can also raise them.
•Date rape: A forcible sexual act between people that know each other during a social engagement. The fact that the engagement was voluntary and that the parties knew each other is not a defense for this type of charge.
•Spousal rape: Occurs when one spouse forces the other spouse to have sex without consent.
Most sexual assault crimes are charged as felonies although lesser offenses are charged as misdemeanors. Punishment for sexual assault crimes includes jail or prison, fines, community service, counseling, probation/parole and lifetime sex registration. Multiple convictions of sexual assaults lead to increasingly severe punishments. The decision whether to charge a person with a felony or a misdemeanor rests with the prosecutor; however, a criminal defense attorney, if contacted early enough in the investigation, may be able to minimize the charges that you face.
Ways that Mr Crawford can help you include:          
•Arranging for bail, bail reductions or being released on your "own recognizance"
•Understanding the possible penalties and likely outcome of your case
•Hiring an investigator to interview witnesses and gather evidence favorable to your case
•Negotiating with the prosecutor for a reduction of the charges and sentences
•Presenting the best legal defense for you and challenging the prosecution to prove their case
•Seeking alternative sentencing programs such as electronic monitoring, residential treatment, counseling and informal probation
Mr. Crawford can assist you in proving your innocence. He understands that a false rape accusation is humiliating and damaging, and believes it is his duty to use his knowledge of California's sex crime laws to successfully resolve your case as quickly as possible.
Contact an Orange County, San Bernardino/Riverside rape attorney if you are facing sexual assault charges to make sure that your rights are protected and that you are provided with an effective and aggressive representation. 
Rape Defense 
Mr. Crawford can develop an innovative defense strategy to effectively improve the outcome of your case. Potential rape defenses may include the victim's consent, lack of evidence to support the case, factual evidence or mistaken identity, the use of polygraph tests, and more.
If you've been accused or charged with rape, do NOT attempt to investigate or defend your own case. It is in your best interest to retain competent and aggressive legal representation to ensure you rights and interests are protected every step of the way.
Please contact the law offices of James M. Crawford at 714/538-0305 today for a FREE case evaluation with a rape defense attorney.

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